Oh, it's on. It's so on.

Opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of MRD. Most probably regard Google as a tech company. Well, Google certainly uses much, even creates, and »


Ad Madness

Opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of MRD. Every 1st of the month comes and there's no shortage of topics to discuss in a »


Angels Upgraded

Opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of MRD. My boss and I sometimes get into discussions about "The Singularity" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ »


Weather Report: It's Anyone's Guess

Opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of MRD. If you've been following cloud technology, you'd most likely understand the title of this article well »


ClusterHQ: What Happened?!

Opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of MRD. The last couple years seemed to have been incapable of closing quietly; and rather, with unfortunate, »